Sesame Street in Communities
Younger. Parents/Caregivers. Crafts & Hobbies. Health & Medicine.
Seasme Street in Communities is a free website that provides activities, videos, and tips for parents in family interactions and conversations, from the everyday to the more difficult. Topics include grief, divorce, daily routine, eating well, family bonding, and more. Each video or activity is accompanied by a helpful list of opportunities and suggestions for conversation. Available in English and Spanish.
Younger, Parents/Caregivers. Language Arts, Math, Music
Starfall is a website/app for Prek-Grade 5 that provides exploration, play, and positive reinforcement for children as they learn and practice reading and math skills through interactive and multisensory games and music. A Parent-Teacher Center provides additional resources such as worksheets, books, projectables, music, and curriculum to help parents extend learning. Available in English
Teach Monster: Number Skills.
Younger. Number Skills
Teach Monster: Number Skills is a free app designed for children to practice number recognition, counting, and simple addition through various games. The focus is up to number 5. Participants have opportunities to revisit favorite games and build their skills. Available in English.
Future Chicken
Younger. Natural Sciences; Climate-Related Topics
Future Chicken is a ground-breaking, multi-platform digital universe designed to help children counter climate “doomism” through positivity, inspiration and empowerment for kids. Future Chicken is also a show that airs on Canadian television (but is easily accessible to stream on YouTube).
Elementary, Middle. Coding
OctoStudio is a mobile coding app created by the Lifelong Kindergarten research group at MIT, the same people who created Scratch. Children learn logic and develop programming skills by using block coding to create stories and games. Available in over 20 languages.
Ology: Science for Kids
Younger & Middle Grade. Natural History, Science
Ology was created by the educators at the American Museum of Natural History. The free Ology app allows school-aged children to play fun interactive games, watch videos, and read articles about all kinds of science. The interface is bright and eye-catching, and content areas are well organized while also creating plenty of opportunity for discovery. Available in English, with some videos also available in Spanish.
SkySci for Kids
Younger, Middle. Science, Weather, Climate
SkySci for Kids is a website that allows children ages 5-10 to explore weather wonders, stuff in the sky, and climate change in fun and interactive ways using short articles, games, storybooks, and videos. The materials are designed to allow kids to explore either independently or with a parent or caregiver. Available in English.
Seek by iNaturalist
Younger, Middle. Nature
Seek is a an app where citizen scientists, ages four and up, can snap photos of wildlife, plants, and fungi in order to have them identified. App users are able to take on challenges and unlock badges for photographing different organisms and species in their neighborhoods. Available in numerous languages.
Swift Playgrounds
Middle Grade. Computer Science
Swift Playgrounds is a free app created specifically for iPad and Mac that teaches users how to use Swift, a programming language created by Apple. Fun activities and interactive walkthroughs show beginners where to start, while advanced users can learn to create their own, real-life apps. The interface is user-friendly and intuitive, creating a fun learning experience. Available in 14 different languages.
Middle Grade. Language
Spellie is a free website with a simple spelling guessing game for kids that has been compared to "Wordle." Spellie has three modes: easy (4-letters with one hint given), medium, and hard. You "unlock" an emoji for that word for your "collection" (in easy/medium), the website gives hints if needed, and there are some options in the settings (capitals vs. lower case, keyboard layout or alphabetical, high contrast). Available in English.
GLOBE Observer
Middle, Older. Science, Nature, Environment.
GLOBE Observer is a citizen science app that allows users to make environmental observations that complement NASA satellite observations, helping scientists study Earth and the global environment. By using the GLOBE Observer app, you can contribute important scientific data to NASA and GLOBE, your local community, and students and scientists worldwide. Available in numerous languages.
Middle, Older. Science, Nature, Environment
Katoa is a mobile farm-sim game that incorporates strategy and environmental awareness as players build, nurture, and defend virtual ocean habitats from pollution. Players collect fauna and attract flora in a series of biomes, unlocking real photos of and facts about the species and locations depicted in the game's high-quality art. Additional reading and learning components come from short quest storylines and scripted conversations with fish and marine mammals. Game play points count toward real world donations from the developer and their sponsors to conservation organizations; players select their preferred organizations from a curated list. Available in English.