Genealogy Resources

FREE Preservation resources:

  • American Folklife Center - Oral Traditions - American Family History and Folklife Online Resource - "Many of the most dearly held traditions among Americans of all backgrounds are maintained within the family.  People are increasingly interested in studying their family history, and in researching their family’s folk traditions.  The goal of this online presentation, created by the American Folklife Center at the Library of Congress, is to encourage and assist American families in carrying out this important and rewarding research."
  • Library of Congress - Digital Memories - includes these helpful links links: Personal Archiving | Digital Photographs | Digital Audio | Digital Video | Electronic Mail | Personal Digital Records | Websites
  • National Archives - Family Papers - How to Preserve Family Archives (papers and photographs)"Maybe a relative sent you old letters, certificates, and family photographs and you are not sure what to do. Maybe you’re wondering how to save your child’s pictures and other mementos. These simple tips will help you preserve your family papers and photographs for the next generation. Preventing damage is the key to preserving your items."
  • Northeast Document Conservation Center - Free Resources